This Gundam x Nike SB Dunk High Banshee derives from the Japanese anime franchise Gundam, particularly from the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, a novel from the Gundam universe in celebration of its 15th anniversary. To further encapsulate the theme, the model bears a distinct logo printed on the heel, followed by geometric Swooshes that are interchangeable as a nod to its toy counterpart. Finally, the paneled aesthetic throughout the upper reflects the style of the Gundam suit to round out the design.
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All Size | (Women)US5.5=UK3=EUR36, (Women)US6=UK3.5=EUR36.5, (Women)US6.5=UK4=EUR37.5, (Women)US7=UK4.5=EUR38, (Women)US7.5=UK5=EUR38.5, (Women)US8=UK5.5=EUR39, (Men)US7=UK6=EUR40, (Men)US7.5=UK6.5=EUR40.5, (Men)US8=UK7=EUR41, (Men)US8.5=UK7.5=EUR42, (Men)US9=UK8=EUR42.5, (Men)US9.5=UK8.5=EUR43, (Men)US10=UK9=EUR44, (Men)US10.5=UK9.5=EUR44.5, (Men)US11=UK10=EUR45, (Men)US12=UK11=EUR46 |